2022 Loans from the Péus Collection in “When we see us”, Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Cape Town
2020/2021 Loans from the Péus Collection to “Michael Armitage – Paradise Addict”, Haus der Kunst Munich and Royal Accademy, London
2019/20 Selected works from the Péus Collection are part of the show “From Vietnam to Berlin”, Contemporary Cultural Institute, South Korea
2010 "Habari Africa - Beauty and Terror in Traditional and Contemporary Art in Africa." Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück
2001 "Africa's New Art", Museum of Ethnology Hamburg (today MARKK)
1993 "Art from Africa today - Masterpieces from the Péus Collection", Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen
1984 "New Art from Africa - African Contemporary Art from the Gunter Péus Collection", Catholic Academy, Hamburg
1984 "New Art from Africa, Gunter Péus Collection, Kubus, Hanover
1979 Art from Africa. HORIZONTE '79 – Festival of World Cultures, Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin - MODERN ART FROM AFRICA
The exhibition MODERN ART FROM AFRICA as part of the Festival of World Cultures in Berlin was groundbreaking for the reception of what was then contemporary African art.
Most of the works on display came from the Péus collection.
Further stations: Überseemuseum Bremen, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Erlangen, Frankfurt, Commonwealth Institute, London.